
Hier findest du News über aktuelle Reise Tipps

  • Elektrisches Surfboard – Verleih am Lago Maggiore

    Wage den Sprung ins kalte Wasser und erlebe den Nervenkitzel des elektrischen Surfboards! Jetzt zu vermieten bei Lagocamp.

  • Reisebericht: Urlaub am Lago Maggiore

    Für ihren unvergesslichen Roadtrip wählten Rebecca und ihr Mann das malerische und ruhigere Ostufer des Lago Maggiore und fanden auf unserem Campingplatz Lagocamp in Maccagno eine friedliche Oase.

  • Public Viewing am Lago Maggiore: EM und Olympische Spiele

    Erlebe die diesjährige Fussball Europameisterschaft 2024 und die Olympischen Spiele (Paris 2024) am wunderschönen Lago Maggiore!

  • Aktuelles bei Lagocamp

    Dieses Jahr gibt es bei Lagocamp eine Vielzahl aufregender Events, die für jeden etwas bieten. Hier sind einige Highlights.


New stickers just came in 😍 get yours for free at the reception! 💙☀️

#stickers #lagocamp #camping #lagomaggiore

New stickers just came in 😍 get yours for free at the reception! 💙☀️

#stickers #lagocamp #camping #lagomaggiore

#Throwback to @littlefotografie.de visiting us this summer. Staying in one of our new mobile homes and stumbling across some of his great artistic photos! We love how excited the beautiful couple was to spend a few days here. ☀️

Wait for it... 😂💩

Don't miss out and book yours for next year!! Email us at info@lagocamp.com

Ps. Travel guide "Little Lago Maggiore" still available - to get your copy email us at little@lagocamp.com

#mobilehome #lagomaggiore #glamping #lagocamp #littlelagomaggiore #littlefotografie #littelmannheim #littleheidelberg

#Throwback to @littlefotografie.de visiting us this summer. Staying in one of our new mobile homes and stumbling across some of his great artistic photos! We love how excited the beautiful couple was to spend a few days here. ☀️

Wait for it... 😂💩

Don`t miss out and book yours for next year!! Email us at info@lagocamp.com

Ps. Travel guide "Little Lago Maggiore" still available - to get your copy email us at little@lagocamp.com

#mobilehome #lagomaggiore #glamping #lagocamp #littlelagomaggiore #littlefotografie #littelmannheim #littleheidelberg


💙💙💙 ...